Medical Claims Advocates

Helping people get the benefits they deserve

MCA owner Pam Beaudin is a member of the National Health Care Advocacy and has been licensed in the insurance industry since 1982. While her career successes can be measured in sales records and national acquisitions, Pam has always been more interested in the human side of the business: helping people get the insurance benefits they deserve.

Pam has always been more interested in the human side of business.

As an insurance agency owner/broker, Pam learned how to navigate through the insurance chain of command while selling employee benefit packages and servicing those employees who had issues with their benefits. Her brokerage developed a reputation for excellent service and communications, and in 1998 was acquired by Acordia where she stayed on as Vice President. In 2000, an acquisition by Wells Fargo Insurance Services furthered Pam’s career as a broker.

Medical Claims Advocates

Pam’s passion for customer relationships always made her the go-to person for difficult customer service issues, even when her job title was “sales.” In 2010, Pam decided to focus on customer advocacy and Medical Claims Advocates was born.